Ep 281 Disc Golf Answer Man

September 18, 2019

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Dynamic Discs on Disc Golf Answer Man

Todd Steele
2nd question in a week sorry. I’ve been playing a couple months and in my area we have a course with very narrow fairways if it hyzers one way or the other your in the trees. What’s the straightest flying disc you know of for a newer player who throws about 200 ft. 

When watching the first the round coverage of the 2019 European Open something happened on the first hole that got me thinking. Eagle and Mcbeth parked the hole resulting in drop in birdies. Simons shot settled about 45 from the basket, and he stepped up and nailed the putt for birdie. All three got the 2. On the first hole would you rather pure the line and get the drop in birdie or build that putting confidence by cashing a C2 putt. Birdies are birdies but what helps the mental game more. 

Liquid Sausages
Alright here’s the deal. I’ve never been to the GBO. Yea, I know I know, not cool of me. When does registration open up? When can I sign up for the smaller xc tiers? Should I camp, air bnb, hotel or just sleep on a park bench? Give me the expert Emporia low-down on the GBO. Also thanks for giving me the confidence I needed to get my first tourney win! FLORTING DA GORDS and FLYING DEM FUSES! 

Todd Steele
Hey fellas, love what you do keep up the good work. My question(s) relate to indoor courses. I live in the panhandle of North Idaho and disc golf becomes pretty unplayable in the winter. What do you guys think of them? has Eric ever designed an indoor course? What is generally the method of building one, I assume they’re privatised as it would be in a building as apposed to a public park like most courses am I right in this assumption? And if so in what is the general business model? 

John Miranda
I’m 5’7″ and I have a 72″ wingspan. How do I throw using my wingspan as an advantage on the course rather than just being able to grab things off of tall shelves as a short person?

Thanks and keep it real!

Houston Wolfe
Hi guys I’ve just found out about your podcast and pretty much listen to it every day on the drive to work now and I love all the different areas of the game you discuss! I saw quite awhile back you guys talked about hyper flip vs anhyzer for distance, and you guys said you preferred hyzer flip. I prefer that also, and I feel like my best part of the game is throwing far around 450-550 max. But recently I’ve seen some pros crush it was farther with the anhyzer flex??are they just freaks haha

Been playing for 8 months now and decided to switch to a full DD bag.  Bag the sheriff, but having issues with deciding between Trespass and the Raider.  It seems to fly the same for me, but it is a EMcC Trespass one( thanks for signing it Mr. McCabe).  Also bagged a defender. If you guys help me decide I feel like I am too new to really decide. By the way I measured my throw with a distance wheel thing and it was both around 425 to 450. Thank you very much

Dynamite Jackson
I have a small child, about to be 3 on 7/22. (HBD shout out to Eleanor?) I am dying to get her involved with disc golf and get her out on the course with me. Obviously I’m a ways off from doing that. Is there any advice you can give with working with her as she gets older to get her to that point? Right now I have a couple baskets and plenty of discs in the yard, we just kind of mess around but she at least knows where the disc goes! You guys are great, love all you do! Thank you! Hi Weston! 

Jake L
I have been just starting with backhand this year(forehand 10+ years) and I have been able to get my EMac 300+ with a straight flight. Fairly recently i’ve noticed all my shots are hyzered and not straight even after trying to keep a flat release. Could something with my form/timing be causing this?

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Source Credits:

Ep 281 Disc Golf Answer Man was originally published here

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