Ep 273 Disc Golf Answer Man

June 17, 2019

Listen to this Podcast Here.


I played a course with my friend where there was a random square of cement along the fairway, someone’s lie was on the concrete and my friend called it OB. Is that the right call? Do random, 4’x4’ squares of cement in the middle of a park count as OB or does there need to be a hard set boundary for it to be called OB?


First of all, Bobby plz read your names with the voice changer =) So, hello Bobby, Eric, Rooooooooooobert, Danny and Anthony. Thanks for all your work growing the sport. I just have a short question: Do you have any news about the creator of mindbodydisc.com? I loved this blog, but it seems, that  this project died Keep up the good work, i always listen to the new episode on my way to work on spotify. Greetings from germany, i hope you will come here some day in the future!

Liquid Sausages

Hey Bobby; Awesome Father Smooth Wind, Robert; Stop Kissing Your Wardens McCall and Eric; I have to much respect for you to give you a crappy nickname McCabe. I FINALLY SWITCHED TO ALL TRILOGY!! And you know what? I loved it! I bag all trilogy and I feel cool 😎. Before I bagged other brands and felt un-cool. So to be cool just bag trilogy. Now my question… I bag compasses and I don’t get the distance I want out of them. The feel is good but I need more distance. What discs should I try? 

Houston Wolfe

Hi guys I’ve just found out about your podcast and pretty much listen to it every day on the drive to work now and I love all the different areas of the game you discuss! I saw quite awhile back you guys talked about hyper flip vs anhyzer for distance, and you guys said you preferred hyzer flip. I prefer that also, and I feel like my best part of the game is throwing far around 450-550 max. But recently I’ve seen some pros crush it was farther with the anhyzer flex??are they just freaks haha

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Source Credits:

Ep 273 Disc Golf Answer Man was originally published here

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