Three years ago, Kona and Dynamic Discs embarked on an exciting journey during a time of significant growth in the sport. Over the years, we collaborated on engaging social media campaigns and innovative new products. After... Ricky and Dynamic Discs have mutually agreed to part ways in 2025. The past three years with Ricky on Team Dynamic Discs have been truly remarkable. We are deeply grateful for his contributions to the brand and his...
📺 Get access to the next episode of Catch NOW on Disc Golf Network and JomezPro Patreon! Subscribe to DGN Pro or Standard: Join Patreon: Guest: Scott... 2025 Memorial Championship presented by Discraft MP40 Lead Card from Round 4 - Bonus Coverage Featuring: Cale Leiviska, Jeff Bryk, Pete Ulibarri, Danny Polk Commentary: The Disc Golf Guy Camera: Dustin S Edit: The Disc Golf... Three years ago, Kona and Dynamic Discs embarked on an exciting journey during a time of significant growth in the sport. Over the years, we collaborated on engaging social media campaigns and innovative new products. After... Three years ago, Kona and Dynamic Discs embarked on an exciting journey during a time of significant growth in the sport. Over the years, we collaborated on engaging social media campaigns and innovative new products. After... The best distance drives of the year! Enjoy the most impressive distance drive during the 2024 Disc Golf Pro Tour season. Did we miss any? 👀 Let us know in the comments below! ▶️ WATCH more exciting pro disc golf content on...